Inside Out

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In 2016, with funding from Knightstone Housing Association, Myers-Insole Local Learning Community Interest Company worked with local residents to capture the rich and diverse stories of the people who have lived in the vicinity of Rosa Parks Lane and how the neighbourhood has changed over time.

Members of the community and pupils and staff from St Barnabas
CE VC Primary School, Albany Road visited Bristol Record Office
to research the history of the buildings that still exist today and
those that have disappeared in the latter half of the 20th century.

Neighbours shared their memories with media producer,
Tot Foster providing initial impressions of the area from
people arriving from Jamaica in the 1950s and 1960s, insights into
the creation of one of Bristol’s first mosques on Lower Cheltenham
Place and glimpses inside people’s homes.

Using a variety of textiles, local artist, Carmen Garaghon worked
with school children from St Barnabas and local residents to
weave together the historical research and living memories to
produce the artwork that tells the stories of our homes, both inside
and out.
